We have been here a lot longer than you think…

The history of Filipinos in Texas goes a lot further back than most would think.  From the nurses to the veterans to the first Filipino at Rice University.  We believe we are a part of American history and deserve to be recognized for our contributions to Texas history.  We look to uncover these stories, share them, and work towards integrating these facts into American mainstream education.

Published by fanhshtx

The purpose of the Filipino American National Historical Society are to: conduct research and studies; gather, promote, and disseminate published works on Filipino American history; provide a repository for research and gathered materials; create exhibits; promote and hold forums and public programs; and sponsor fundraising events to accomplish these purposes. FANHS-HTX is here to promote understanding, education, enlightenment, appreciation and enrichment through the identification, gathering, preservation and dissemination of the history and culture of Filipino Americans in the United States. FANHS-HTX represents the 32nd chapter of a national organization.

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